Question about Ick and Hypo


Active Member
I was reading the FAQ sticky on hyposlanity. It says that it can only be done in a fish only tank, not even a FOWLR tank. Is the reason you can't do it in a FOWLR tank because it wouldn't work, or because the hypo would kill the life on the rock but still work on the fish and ick? I am in the middle of hypo salinity right now. I have just completed the first week with a full 7 days of the salinity being at 1009. I noticed this morning that the ick has returned to some fish. Is this normal, or should I not be seeing any signs of it while the slainity is this low?


Staff member
Hopefully, you are not hypo-ing a tank with live rock. It will kill the micro organisms on the live rock, and, subsequently, add a lot of dead organic material to your tank's bioload. Obviously with the price of live rock, you do not want kill it off.


Originally Posted by Adamc1303
I I have just completed the first week with a full 7 days of the salinity being at 1009. I noticed this morning that the ick has returned to some fish. Is this normal, or should I not be seeing any signs of it while the slainity is this low?
Your 3 week time frame is supposed to START after you have no longer seen any signs of ick. The fact that you have seen them this morning, your 3 weeks begins again.
I think it is normal to see them into the hypo treatment. I am treating my fish also, 1 week tomorrow, but I am planning on treating for 4 weeks anyway, which is 2 life cycles of the animal...
I asked the time frame question to another person. I was hoping he'd say I only have to QT for 2 weeks since the life cycle is that long, but I was wrong... Here's what he wrote...

You'll have to use hypo for at least 1 complete life cycle if not 2 life cycles of the parasite. Most folks recommend 30 days and during this time. If your fish are doing well in the hypo QT, then all is well


Active Member
I am using a refractometer. Beth I am doing the hypo in a tank with rock. However I picked up very cheap dead rock for this tank and seeded it with a few pieces of LR from another tank. I wish I had an alternative, but I have no room for another tank or a tub to keep the rock in.


Originally Posted by Adamc1303
I am using a refractometer. Beth I am doing the hypo in a tank with rock. However I picked up very cheap dead rock for this tank and seeded it with a few pieces of LR from another tank. I wish I had an alternative, but I have no room for another tank or a tub to keep the rock in.
We have had posts like this before. It did not end well, I am sad to say. If you see the ammonia spiking then pull the rock out into a tub. It will either be a tub for the rock or many buckets of water mixing to keep up with the ammonia and fish that may not survive. I hope that it does well, but the chances are against it. There is more to die on LR than you see. Watch your ammonia VERY carefully.


Active Member
Wow thanks for the heads up I had no idea. I am going to perform allot of water changes ant take out as much rock as I can. I can't cure the fish of ICK if I stress them out with an ammonia spike. So far it's been a week. knock on wood! I will do a water change tomorrow.