Question about KH and PH


New Member
I just inherited a tank from my brother and got the basics from a book. I've had it a total of one week and nuthin's dead yet. I was wondering, I've done the tests for ammonia, nitrite, ph, calcium, and carbonate hardness, and used the hydrometer. Everything is where it's supposed to be but the PH and KH (i think). PH is at 8.0, ammonia at 0, nitrite at >0.3, calcium at 450ppm. I'm not sure if I'm measuring the KH right but I've got it at 6 dh. I've got a superbuffer and used it last night, but it raised my Hydrometer to high. I have a maroon clownfish, damsel, ??percula clownfish, lots of starfish, several anemone, and LR.


Active Member
Yea that's a bit low, if you aren't keeping sps or clams then I would just shoot to keep at around 8 or so and the cal around 400 - more just for the coraline than anything.
The pH buffer is raising the pH which in turn will effect you salinty ( probably temp. but over time it will increase it ). Get some seachem reef builder and use it. It won't effect the pH or the salinity. But I wouldn't worry to much about it, NSW is around 7 - 8 dKh, so you aren't that far off.