Has he been to the vet at all? I work in a vet's office and a lot of time cats who pee outside the litter box have a urinary track infection...Can be cleared up w antibiotics and in some cats with cronic urinary problems they can be put on a special food that will help with problems like that. Just a thought, as far as chewing on things he isn't suppose to a lot of animals who are younger chew for teething reasons, but also he might just be bored. Let us know how things go. Also you can see all the places he has been peeing by using a black light, that will also show you if you are getting the places you know of really clean or not. There are lots of products that break down urine, Urine Off being my favorite. There is also a prodcut called FelAway that you can spray in places that he is frequent to use for urination. They also make products and special litters that attract cats to the litter box. I would definatly get him neutered ASAP. Our office neuters cats as soon as they weigh 5 pounds and it only costs $40.