Question About My Anenome


Active Member
Hi all,
I thought to add some color to my tank and a bit of movement I would go purchase a small LTA. At least I believe thats what it is called its white at the base and then starts a purple hue up to the tips of its tenticles. It wasnt expensive at all and I believe that the name it was given on the tank when I bought it. My question is this, is he acting normal? I placed it on a rock with a flat spot, he stayed for a bit and then deceided to move to another location. He actually moved to the underside of a piece of LR where he is out of the direct light. When the light comes on you see his tenticles come out and creep to where the light can shine on them but his foot stays under the rock. So it almost appears that he is streching to be in the light and then back under when its off. FYI the LR he is under is not flat on the sand, its part of a mountain that he is like under a bridge portion of it.
Any help is appreciated, as this is new to me. Thanks.


sounds like its a florida condi anenome. mines does the same, from what i have read, they tend to be in shaded areas with low light but if it needs more it should move on its own.


Active Member
Thanks Bled,
Its possible that could be it. As of last night it is doing awesome, I never thought I would get to see it eat and last night I did. Having little knowledege of Anenomies I wasnt sure how it actually consumed its food. I fed my fish last night a combination of brine shrimp and formula 1 and all of a sudden one piece of shrimp got snagged in one of its tenticles and scooped it into its mouth. It was awesome to see.


You can feed you anemone but don't over do it, no more than twice a week they only have one hole to eat and poo. Many people control how large their anemone get by how much they feed it during feedings. Don't be surprised if it shrivels and expels a blob of mucus after feeding it will expand again in a day or two. Remove this bolus if natural current flow doesn’t.