question about my BTA

I have a BTA and its laying on the sand at the bottom of my tank on its side.... its foot is not attached to anything but it looks healthy on the mouth end what does this mean if anything?
this was before my BTA named booger before she/him/it laid on its side. so this is just for your viewing pleasure


Active Member
Not a BTA but a bleached Sebae. Can't help much without some more information like lighting, flow and water parameters.
WOW those guys at the fish store called it a BTA :( now I feel like a goof! Well I have PC 10000k + 7500k lights, Water was just tested and its golden, I have a medium current within the tank, I tried to match the water speed of that of the salt water store I go to.


Active Member
This will probably not survive with the lighting you have. You will need to feed it constantly, and even then probably won't make it. I am sure Perfectdark, the guru of anemone here will chime in soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
This will probably not survive with the lighting you have. You will need to feed it constantly, and even then probably won't make it. I am sure Perfectdark, the guru of anemone here will chime in soon.
This anemones is a Sebae, which would indicate that your LFS has no clue what they are doing. So my recommendation would be to NOT match what the LFS is doing, lighting, flow, tank setup, who knows what else they goofed on. Your AM, NI, and NA reedings need to be 0. Your Salinity should be around 35 ppt.
I agree it is bleached, and i'm not sure how long you've had it, but if it is in fact on its side and not attached to anything - that is not a good sign. I would also be catious because your maroon / cinnamon clown may be too agressive for this anemone (and too large). Although still a bad sign if it hasn't attached its foot, I believe Sebae's plant their foot into the sandbed.
Any case, you do not have adequate lighting. So i think you have two options, return the anemone, or upgrade your lighting.
Just my 2 cents...


Active Member
I agree these creatures need really strong lighting. how many watts are the PC's? my LFS had these under PC's as well and they did not look good
I have had the little guy for some time now, the saddle back clown seems to love the anemone very much. The anemone wonders around the tank at night I wake up every day he is somewhere else. But I just got back from the dentist and he seem to be upright now and much larger than he was yesterday... What anemone could use my lighting? if any?
also My tank water quality is superb I did a few test my self, and then I took a water sample to a different Salt water Store as I was on my way to the dentist, they said the water was superb too!


Active Member
None. The fact that you've had the anemone for a while and it is still wondering around dictates that it is 'uncomfortable' with its environment.
You could get a tube anemone - they don't move (just burrow) and are not photosynthetic. But they will not host.
well its not moving far if that means anything, it just kinda rotates around that spot he is in in that picture... facing one way one day and the next a new way. he will venture about 4-5 inches from that spot?


Active Member
So Kevin it seems like you really want to keep this critter. If so you need to do a lighing upgrade to take care of it correctly.
I really really like him so I am going to go out today and buy a MH light :(.... it just so amazing looking when the clown is cuddling it! Thank you all for your help and being kind to me! I will get some pictures for you all when I put that light in to see what happens wish me luck!
also does anyone have pictures of there bleached sabea so I can see what yours looks like along with location :)?