!!!Question about my sand. PLEASE HELP!!!!


I've been meaning to ask this question a long time ago but I was wondering why my sand releases a white cloudy substance when disturbed.
Is that normal? Should I be releasing this from the sand periodically?
I have a 45gal. Reef, and 3 power heads in there. So I dont believe that a I dont have enough circulation. I have a Koralia 1, Koralia 3 and a Koralia 4.
Please give me any advice that you might have!!!!


What kind of sand did you use? If it wasnt a live sand, it could have contained silica dust and if you didnt clean it extremely well to begin with, you will have the silica dust coming into your tank. If youre going to have a reef, do not touch the sand. Get some snails or fish or inverts that will mix and aerate the sand for you and leave it alone.


The tank is almost A year old. (November 2008). I have 2 clowns, 3 chromis, and 2 yellow tail damsel. 1 mushroom, zoes, and a frogspawn


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Shyshko08
The tank is almost A year old. (November 2008). I have 2 clowns, 3 chromis, and 2 yellow tail damsel. 1 mushroom, zoes, and a frogspawn

A tank 1 year old would have stuff locked in it...do yo have any critters that sifts the sand bed?


Originally Posted by Flower

A tank 1 year old would have stuff locked in it...do yo have any critters that sifts the sand bed?
I did....but 85% of them died b/c of my nitrates. I'm currently trying to fix that. I guess that would be my problem. The only things that survived are a few blue leg hermits and a few and nassarious nails, along with with a few turbo snails.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Shyshko08
Any Ideas Anyone?

Work on getting your nitrates down (water changes), then rebuild the CUC when algae grows, and then add your fish., With the fish add a sansifting goby and you won't have to worry long about any "clouds" in the sand.
Keep us posted as you go....


Originally Posted by Flower

Work on getting your nitrates down (water changes), then rebuild the CUC when algae grows, and then add your fish., With the fish add a sansifting goby and you won't have to worry long about any "clouds" in the sand.
Keep us posted as you go....
Will do!, thanks for the reply