question about my voltain lion

chris s

i have a 125 g reef tank and i just added a voltain lion from my 29g reef. in my 125g i have
3 coral cats
4 assorted damsels
1 flame angle
2 bar gobys
3 ocellaris clowns
1 cleaner shrimp
and a crap load of snails and crabs.
do you think that there could be problem with any of these fish being in the same tank. the lion has been in the tank for 2 days now and hasnt bothered anything, but i was just curious. any coments are appresiated.
chris s


I am wondering if this is a troll, but anyway. Yeah I dont know how big your Volitan, coral cats, or flame angel is but if its a mid size or bigger lion say good bye to everything else. On rare occassions you might find a peaceful lion. I had a big spot fin who didnt pay any attention to the six line I had in with him. But that doesnt happen too often. A full size volitan could possibly eat everything. The shrimp amazingly enough might escape the lions attention because its a cleaner and was in the water ahead of time. Dont bet the house on it though, it could very easily let the shrimp clean it and then eat it.

chris s

thanks for the oppions guys but i think i am going to give him a couple of days untill i take him out. he is a mid size lion (about 5-6 inches in lenght) and the flame angle is atleast 3 inches. i was told dont put anything in the take that is less then double the size of the lions mouth. and the only thing in the tank that is that small is the damsels. i dont know what is going to happen. i will keep you guys up to date if anything happens.
chris s

chris s

ok so one of my ocellaris clowns is dead. i want to get him out of the tank back in to my 29g. but i have a sea horse in there. the sea horse is only about 3 - 4 inches long. or should i put the sea horse in the 125g with the rest of the fish. i know that a sea horse is a speices only fish but i just was curious which i would have better luck. also my lion is a very dark shaded now that i moved him. is this a sign of aggression or something else. please help!
no offense but how come they dont say ur overloading ur tank, did u say three coral cat sharks? i have six fish in mine, and most of them arent more than 4 inches long, they think im overloading.
i wouldnt put the sea horse in with ur other fish, like u said ther species only, which kinda suck, cuz i was also thinkin bout puttin a seahorse in my tank, but of course thats out of the question..
i think ur damsels are at risk, it matters how big ur clowns are also. how long are ur coral cats? how big is ur lion? if its a baby your fish shouldnt be at risk.:)


ok well i'm not sure how your gonna sovle this problem because the seahorse can't go with anything else (except another seahouse/pipefish) and the lion can't go in a 29 gal for your 125 3 coral cats is too much already even if they were by themselves...fully grown your looking a hae 3- 3.5 foot long sharks which without even talking about swimming room puts you way overboard on your bioload...if i remember right i think the min. for one is like 180...i'd try to trade in the sharks at your lfs for store credit or get a bigger tank...either way you smaller fish won't survive long with the lion...


Actually, guys, Chris S said coral cats, NOT coral catsharks, but that's still going to leave him with a severe problem.
Those "cute, little striped catfish" grow to over a foot long and can eat anything the lionfish can, PLUS they can move more gravel or dand than any fish I've ever kept.
I had two that reached about 12" and piled gravel, literally, 12" high in front of the LR they chose to excavate under.
Lionfish, by the way, are predatory, but not aggressive, two entirely different things, but the flame angel and the damsels may still be in the food sized range, particularly if the lion isn't well fed....then again, many damsels will grow to 5" plus, with most losing much of their color and ending up large, dull colored aggressive fish, and a 5" damsel is DEFINITELY in the truly aggressive category!


ive got a friend that put a voltain in with 3 damsels that he used to cycle his tank. 3 got easten in about a minute and the 4th one has been fine for the last 2 months. the damsel avoids the lion at all costs but there really isnt any fighting. weird how relationships work out sometimes.


My lion eating my 5" golden head sleeper goby two Saturdays ago. YES, that is the goby's tail that the lion hasn't swallowed yet. Needless to say, the lion was traded in that day.
He wasn't in the take for 24 hours before he ate this fish and a blue damsel.
I wouldn't risk it.