Question About New Clam


Got a new clam over the weekend. Put it in the tank and my orange star fish found it, and hasn't let go of it. Is that normal?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
As a precaution I would separate the star from the clam. Also I would shake out what seems to be an accumulation of substraight on your clam


Care ful I have ahd a starfish kill many things in its death grip, it seems to dissolve everything using it's tubes I would definatly seperate them


star fish hasn't been back to the clam since I seperated them. Will keep an eye on it though..
Here's another shot of the new clam...

florida joe

Well-Known Member
One thing you want to keep an eye on is the rim of the shell under the mantel if you see a white line along the ridge the clam is growing if it is growing it is healthy

tang master

Oh dang. yeah starfish can eat clams. The clasp on to then and use a micro incisor to crack through the shell and eat the clam. I remember reading up on it in a reef keepers magazine.


Make sure your starfish is reef safe at your LFS. Some stars can eject there stomachs into the clams shell and digest it in it own shell!