I have tanks with none and with and it delends on what exactly you want in the tank. For my ric and zoanthid grow out tanks I have none and for my fish I have sand.
One of my first and best reefs was with fish, corals and no substrate. I had a ph attatched to a 1/2" pvc that went along the back and had holes drilled in it to blow the bottom debris to the front. I was able to syphon off about a quart of water with the debris every day and replace it keeping the tank crystal clear. This was when Florida LR was available back in the early 90s.
It was full of Christmas tree worms, not the poritis growing type.
One morning they began to spawn. I don't think this could have happened in a less pristine tank, but there again, substrate has many advantages also. Just depends on your goals as to what you want to keep.
Maybe give it a try, but I would suggest the spray bar along the back to keep the excess fish waste and such easy access removal since there will be less medium for bacteria to colonize. I think you would find the tank parameters a bit higher quality in the long run, just not place for many starfish, pistol shrimp and substrate dependant fish species. Snails and such will do just fine.