Question about old whisper filter


I have an old hang on the back whisper filter, 400 gph model. Size 5 I think it is.. It has 2 cartriges if that helps.
Should I bother throwing it on the back of my reef tank? I was thinking of using it for extra circulation mainly, but the extra carbon cartriges probably wouldnt hurt.
Any thoughts?
Btw, I dont have a sump or fuge atm, I just keep up on water weekly water changes until I can get the fuge finished.


Active Member
I run carbon every once-in-a-while with it, store it when not. Good for a temp hospital too.


Not sure what your filtration is now but I suppose that you could use it as a sort of hang on back refugium for pods, when I was using those filters my pods would breed like rabbits in there. It also broke up the surface of the water fairly well.


Active Member
I run one on my reef tank. Mostly for circulation and to hold carbon. I don't have a sump either. Like Thomas712 there are always some creatures lurking inside. Can't see it doing any harm.


To tell you the truth, I have had it on my tank since the beginning. I was afraid of the criticism I might get for running it :p
I dont see it doing any harm either. Circulation is good, carbon is good. I have probably a billion copepods and such sitting in there as it is so im sure it cant hurt.
when people say they run carbon do they mean the pads that have carbon in them or they just use the extra media holder and run carbon in that?


Active Member
I use one of those mesh bags and put carbon in the bag. Rinse the dust off and throw it in the filter. Use only good quality carbon that claims to be phosphate free to avoid adding to the algea growth problems.