Question about reef tanks


I recently purchased a 75 gallon tank that came with a stand, heater and filter. I wanted to be able to support corals so i went out and bought appropriate lighting, a protein skimmer, and power head so that i could support coral. My tank is not drilled so it is all HOB. Does my tank need to be drilled with a sump in order to support coral?


Active Member
Congrats....and welcome to the hobby. Athough you can operate a "reef tank" with just hang on the back filters, the norm is to have a sump tank with a skimmer, etc. You can most certainly have corals/fish/inverts with the current setup, but you will need to make sure that you are doing water changes religiously, and testing your params on a regular basis.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mnieder
Ok is it possible to drill my tank and get a sump and use all on my filters in the sump?
Obviously not while it is up and running, but you can drill the tank, add some pipes, and add a sump tank down below.


You can get an overflow box that hangs on the back. It has a syphon tube on it. Then that can go to a sump below the tank


Ok. is there a certain one i should get. Also what do i need to get for a sump. Some product suggestions would be very helpful.