Question About River Rock


I use river rock to xeroscape my yard. Depends on your definition of the rock. I know down here in Texas we have very large 'river rocks' that are colorful and even honeycombed. I have some real nice one's I use to line the edge of my Koi pond. I assume you could use them in a SW tank. They wouldn't be considered 'live rock' in a sense that they would start growing bacteria in a SW environment. You could place them in a tank with what people here call live rock (Fuji, Tonga, etc.), and they would eventually become 'live rock'.


Active Member
River rock is likely to be full of all sorts of minerals that you dont want leaching into your tank. what may be more than safe for freshwater can potentially be leathal or a constant problem in marine water. the source selling the rock should be able to provide you with the exact type of stones name, then you can google search the mineral content, you may find that rock to be loaded with granite wich can leach arsenic, or high in Iron leading to incessant algae blooms, or copper nuff said, and some rocks actaully come with a PPm reading of 5.5 or higher of nitrate nitrogen, scary stuff huh? who knows? with out a specific name I couldnt tell you honestly if it is or isnt going to be a problem.
I would reccomend contacting the retailer and getting the type of stones name.


New Member
I tried that with a flat piece about 6 X 10 inches with holes in and about 2 inches thick, I did boil it for 2 hours and put it in a tub of saltwater with PH for 3 weeks, and now it is in my tank, doing well ang growing corraline. Just my experience.