question about sand syphoning

Do you guys syphon your sand to clean it ever? cause i remember reading somewhere a long time ago that it is a bad idea to do because of the bacteria in the sand. but I syphoned mine a little bit the other day and it seemed real dirty. any responses would be great. thanks


Originally Posted by BlackBarracuda
Do you guys syphon your sand to clean it ever? cause i remember reading somewhere a long time ago that it is a bad idea to do because of the bacteria in the sand. but I syphoned mine a little bit the other day and it seemed real dirty. any responses would be great. thanks
Some people say to do it and some will say don't. If you have a DSB that will also matter. I do occasionally siphon mine.


Active Member
The general rule of thumb is to not syphon your LS. When doing water changes you could use a turkey baster (walmart) to blow your LR & LS and then syphon. If you syphon your LS you will be removing some of the beneficial bacteria and critters in the LS. My .02.

bang guy

I'm not convinced that siphoning removes much bacteria. It can quickly turn a live sand bed into nothing but wet sand with bacteria though. Most of the beneficial animals live in the top 1/2" of a sand bed.