Question About Sea Sickness


Active Member
Tomorrow (friday) im going deep sea fishing for the first time, people are saying to take the sea sickness

before i get on the boat so i dont get sick, but i dont know if i will get sick because i have never done this
other people say not to take them because if you dont get sick out in the ocean that the

will make you feel sick, anyone know anything about this??? :help:


I spent 4yrs in the Navy on small boats (135 ft) IMO if you keep a view of the horizon you should be ok. Do you get sick on rollar coasters? car sick?


Active Member
You should be fine.

Just make sure you're getting enough fluids and have some stiff carbhydrates on board - pretzels are best to settle an upset stomach.
If you feel dizzy/lightheaded, do as GAfish suggested and look at the horizon. It helps reset your balance - don't look at details up close, look at something large and stationary and far away.
Take some dramamine with you juuuuuust in case...this is your first time, you want to be prepared :yes:
First time I was ever at sea I was sick as a dog for 2 days...then I was fine. I have never been seasick since. Ever.
Good luck!! Let us know how it went!! :jumping: :jumping:


Active Member
I hear if you start getting sea sick you chug some Coke and you're alllllllllllll better.


That horizon thing does work. If you relax and allow yourself to move with the boat, instead of fighting the movement and being rigid, that also helps. Sea Sickness medication may work, but you will sleep through the entire day and you're not going out there for a good nap.
If the boat has a cabin, don't spend extended periods of time in there, as the movement and the smell of the engine can be overwhelming.
Have a good time!


Active Member
ok... Coke'll remember Coke Syrup was given as an anti-emetic (anti-nausea medication), but if you feel queasy, I'd advise against chugging...anything.
If you're feeling sick, take small - I mean SMALL - sips of room temperature water (too cold could irritate your already sensetive digestive system)...or coke, if you prefer.
Fresh air also helps - and being on a boat, ull have plenty of breezes.
um...but.... seasickness isn't the worst thing, nor is it the scariest thing in the world... you really WILL be ok!! :jumping:
take pictures, enjoy yourself!! :jumping:


it feels GREAT to just barf all that goo out. i went fishing and when i barf .. man oh man.. i caught a 32LB salmon


The dramamine doesn't work fast,so if your on the boat already,it is to late for it to be affective.The horizon does also work,but when your 20+ miles from shore it is nowhere to be seen.I do alot of deep offshore fishing myself,so i have seen all kinds.Pretzels do help upset stomach though!


Active Member
lol exile hats great!!!!! free chum for the fish!!! but yeah he is right on the RALFING.. it do make u feel better... and sea sickness is weird.. i been a boats plent of time.. (we own a 21'' mercruser) we go fishing hea and there.. fo throung the choppy high and low tide transitions all the time... always felt normal.. till one day... we went out FAR!!!! i mean FAR!!!!!.. we pointed the boat to out ocea and went!!! holy cow did we go far... it was around 7;30 pm and when i look at Atlantic city.. the casino towers where the size of my thumbs finger nail.. water was deep as a mofu... ohh man.. the waves out there is way way dif.. lets just say i cant even stand wothout haveing to hold on or id fall.. anyhow.. afther 30/40 minutes i feel the sickness set in... and then RALF!!!!!!
:scared: then we caught a 34'' flounder and went home!! lol...
anyhow.. if u get sea sick.. dont lay down.. sit up strait in a chumfty chair...


Gingersnap cookies and ginger ale. Anything with ginger in it will work they just taste the best. Eat some before you go out then just snack on them throughout the day.


Oh yeah, I remember. The first time I went on a cruise the staff warned us that a storm had gone through the area a few days before. It was a large ship but halfway through dinner the first night I had to excuse myself. Every night I was sick and during the day we'd get off the ship and go sightseeing I was fine. I was even alright on the catamaran but as soon as the ship would take off from port in the evening, oh brother ). I even took a pic of the toilet in our cabin....we became best friends. Geez, just telling the story, I have to hold onto the arms on my office chair. h*


Active Member
well i didnt get sick, after we left the harbor it was really rough alot of people where getting thrown around and a handfull of people got sick and started the chum line early :happyfish