I was thinking about getting one for a future tank, my question is, can it live with clown fish, or angels? I couldn't really find a good article on them in my 20 minutes of searching.
I have one with my 3 small blennies, one bi-color and 2 unknowns, and a six-line wrasse. He doesnt mess with fish at all. There is also a coral banded shrimp in there too. I basically just go out and catch grass shrimp and drop them in the tank. He eats when he is hungry.
nothings definate...i've seen my eel eat med.- large goldfish (i didn't do it...after giving my tank away to my mom...her husband will feed goldfish once in a while...even though i tell him he shouldn't)...so if it's small enough it could be dinner for your eel.
that sucks Irenicus. once my green moray ate my brand new 8 inch miniatus...
Corey... I would reccomend a zebra eel. they are a bit bigger, but alot less aggressive IMO. My zebra is a pansy. he is afraid of the cocktail shrimp on a feeding stick. I would be very surprised if mine ate any other fish. just a suggestion though a SFE could probably work too.
hey man i feel ur pain, i had a pajama wrasse with my sfe, the wrasse went missing, an hour later ther was blue blood and a spinal cord laying on the sand bed.
Best rule: no fish with eels.
To add to the miserable eel stories--my tesselata took out my 8" Klunzinger wrasse in one long, slow, mortifying gulp--while I watched.
My blackedge ate a 4" lunare.
My ghost eel (skinny, wispy little beast) at my 2" perc. That perc was 3-4 times as wide as his mouth.
Say it with me: "No fish with eels." Repeat over and over. Took me three times to learn the lesson.
Originally posted by cincyreefer
lol, everyone seems to have to learn the hard way with eels...
"NO fish with eels"... "No fish with eels"...
i wouldn't say that...i would say NO SMALL FISH WITH EELS...
my mexican dragon eel accidently nipped my lion once during feeding, but no problems since...and there was damsel added a few weeks ago that was terrorizing another tank and it has survived (against the odds!)...
Originally posted by Xtremenemo
I am so glad that i just saw this thread.
what the hell am I suppose to do with this baby sfe that I just got a month ago. sweet. cool. fine.
you could add a good sized lion...
some eels are more aggressive that others and if you introduce tankmates before an eel or while the eel is still small that can help keep thinks calm...just definatly no small nonaggressive fish.
I am talking about keeping fish longterm with eels, not for a matter of a few weeks or months. And there are always exceptions... but most of the time the eel will eventually eat the fish.
i'm talking long term too...the tank i'm refering to has been up for 5 years and the lion was been there for 3...when it comes to smaller fish i agree...but the eel species and size and the size/species of the other fish should be taken in to account before saying
"NO fish with eels"... "No fish with eels"...
i wouldn't say that...i would say NO SMALL FISH WITH EELS...
I wouldn't.
Eels will eat any fish they can fit in their mouths. You'd be AMAZED at what can fit in their mouths. Check my post again--...an 8" Klunzinger wrasse is not a small fish. My tesselata wasn't the big boy he is now...he was only about 18" long, and pretty slim when he did it. He just unhinged his jaw--and WHAMMO. Think "Alien".
Keep them together at your own peril. You, who have had no problems with morays and fish are lucky....get it...LUCKY! You are the kind of people who should play the lottery every week