Question about SFE.


i'm not disagreeing(sp?) i just think that while it's definatly possible for larger fish to be attacked (as your example proves) i think it's not nearly as common as some of the responses make it seem...i've kept several eels over the years with what i've considered appropriate tankmates, with no problems...i've also read countless posts on this board for the past 3 years which stated similar success with eels and other fish living together peacefully...
i just think people need to research ahead of time so that they know for instance that there is a greater chance of loosing fish with a jeweled moray (aggressive) than with a zebra (peaceful)...and that regardless of which species of eel you choose it will still most likel yeat your perc clown...i know i'm rambling but i just don't like the blanket statement of "no fish with eels" cause it's just not true...
*takes a deep breath*
there now i feel better!!!:D
i think it just depends on the eel. like i said earlier my zebra's such a pussy he is scared of cocktail shrimp. I could put a just hatched baby clown in there and it would scare the ---- out of my zebra. im not worreid about him eating anything. but some eels probablt shouldnt be ketp with fish


Active Member
Yes, i totally agree with you. However, when people make a generalization such as "can eels be kept with fish" without specifying the type of fish or eel, then they normally want a general answer. Which is no. If they then ask more specific details about certain eels/fish with sizes, then a more in depth answer is called for. This was one of the first things I picked up on when I started getting on message boards. If you tell someone that fish can be kept with eels, then they get mad when their green moray, snowflake, or tesselata eel eats all their clowns, dwarf angels, gobies, etc... And it is hard to explain the habits of eels and fish to someone who hasn't researched specific species yet.