question about shrimps????


I have a 110 gallon reef. I have a yellow tang, atlantic tang, 2 cinnamen clowns and 1 cleaner shrimp. My question is can I get a pepermint shrimp without causing any fighting or my 2 shrimps going after each other? Please help me before I purchase.


Active Member
you should be fine with either peppermint or fire shrimp, a coral banded would be more of a gamble. Peppermints tend to do better in groups, however they hide alot, and you will probably seldom see them.


Active Member
Yeah, I had my cleaner first and put the peppermint in later, no problems. I usually see the cleaner during the day and the peppermint at night so its kinda cool.


I have a cleaner shrimp and two peppermints with no problems. I see the cleaner all day long and the peps every couple of days