question about some shrimps


i recently added a coral banded shrimp to my tank, and i wanted to add a fire shrimp, both for its awesome appearance and for its tenancy to pick parasites off of fish. i was wondering if the coral banded shrimp and the fire shrimp would be okay together. will either of them have a problem with the other one? thanks.


Active Member
they should be ok, how big is the tank, just don't put in another cbs in there this is jmo, but there are no guarantees in this hobby, 1 rogue critter and things can go bad and fast, but i am pretty sure things will be ok tobin


its a 75, i think they will be fine together, just nervous for the reason that you pointed out... one bad tank addition and..........


New Member
Sometimes fish or inverts seem to have personalities, just like people. I also have a 75 gallon. I was assured I could add two cleaner shrimp with coral banded and would be okay. I did and the cb killed them both in one night. So its a little bit of a gamble. Fire shrimp are pretty expenisve. If you try it I would suggest having a lot of caves and hidding places.
I no longer have a cb. I have a fire shrimp (they are beautiful). He does not clean fish. He spends almost all his time hiding and rarely ventures more than a few inches from his cave.