question about something..


on a piece of my lr i flipped it over and it looks like there are clams on it, they are small and open up but if i put the net beside them or touch them they close up, they almost look like they have a skin net of some sort while opened and there are a few small holes in that net i am attaching a pic not the best sorry!! any ideas? i have been researching to figure what they are but i cant find anything, but my best guess would be a scallop?


not sea squirts from anything ive looked up they are not sponges either that first pic shows the open part of the "skin" around the edge of the shell. they really remind me of scallops but i cant find anything on them. any other takers on the things


I'm gonna jump in on this one. I have one of those also, and I couldn't find any information on it as well. I thought at first that it was an oyster of some sort... and wasn't even sure that it was alive. But, I notice that on some days, it's "mouth" is more open than other days. I have had it in the tank for about 8 months and was attached to a yellow poplyp colony rock. Since, it has detached and now sits in the sand. :notsure:


wow then that means if mine detach i will have 6 or 7 of them. now i really wonder thank you crm now i know im not alone ill keep looking but im really inching towards scallop and hoping that its not something bad lol. let me know if you ever find out what it is. thank you all for your input.