Question about


Are they going through a change or something? its odd out of all of the corals listed, they only have one shroom type to sell and no other coral.


Active Member
Maybe although I noticed that all online vendors are out of most corals. My LFS is also running low and I wan't stuff!


Active Member
A mod posted on here a few days ago and said that the stock runs low in the winter but should be picking up soon.


Active Member
Winter is always a problem for sure.
In addition, there has been a delay in the issueing of CITES permits in Indonesia. That means that wild corals can not be exported and impacts stock levels. I believe the 2006 quota has been recently finalized, so hopefully things will start flowing soon. Obviously it is not a delay that anyone is happy about, but it is important to allow CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species) to work. It is definitely not a game. Violations or "work around" of CITES can mean huge fines at a minimum. I've seen DEAD scientific collections seized for failure to comply with CITES regulations.
It should be all good soon. Like everything in the hobby, just needs a bit more patience


this is why we all need to work together and get frags from other hobbyists! It isnt necessary to get them from the ocean anymore, another hobbyist will have what you want most of the time.. Check the corals & trading, and post on there.. maybe u can frag something u have and trade for what u want!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Winter is always a problem for sure.
In addition, there has been a delay in the issueing of CITES permits in Indonesia. That means that wild corals can not be exported and impacts stock levels. I believe the 2006 quota has been recently finalized, so hopefully things will start flowing soon. Obviously it is not a delay that anyone is happy about, but it is important to allow CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species) to work. It is definitely not a game. Violations or "work around" of CITES can mean huge fines at a minimum. I've seen DEAD scientific collections seized for failure to comply with CITES regulations.
It should be all good soon. Like everything in the hobby, just needs a bit more patience

Thanks for the info Ophiura