Question about triggers!


I want to get a trigger for my tank,but everyone i have looked at so far isn't reef safe,can anyone give me any ideas of any that are or maybe some of the things to watch for if i get one?Do they bother corals and such also?Thanks :notsure:


Active Member
i hear most will bother corals. there are a few acceptions but thats a lot of money down the drain for a small change. They will also eat your inverts like crabs and snails.


That was my next question about the inverts,i have 3 emerald crabs ans a CBS.They are so cool to watch though,i really had my hopes up of getting one this weekend.Anyone else have any ideas or input on triggers?


if you are worried about inverts then you will not be able to get triggers at all, inverts like hermits, crabs, snails, shrimps, etc., on the brighter side pinktail trigger will supposidly eat only shrimps, niger trigger will eat everything except coral, blue chin would be fine, crosshatch would be fine, sargassum would be fine and that's all i can think of right now.


Get a Niger Trigger. I have one and he doesn't bother my urchins, coral banded shrimp, camel shrimp and numerous crabs. But he did eat my Arrow crab last month. Their semi-aggressive and inexpensive so give it a try.


if you like triggers alot and do not want to risk your reef inhabitants, if $ not a problem set up a fish only tank and get what ever trigger you want. however, if you like a very aggressive type his fellow fish tankmates will require more careful selection. i believe even the mellow non-coral eating triggers may or may not eat your inverts. its your tank and your $ so you must decide the risks your willing to take! good luck! :)


triggers are awesome fish. i have hhad many in my past tanks. however, they are not reef safe. so use caution. i believe the bluethroat is the only one that can coexist in reef tank


Thank you for all the replies and help.I would really like to have one but i think i am going to wait for now.Thanks again for all the help and info!


I have a 1.5in Huma Huma in my 180gal reef tank. He has not bothered any of the coral, nor the shrimp. I have always felt that is you keep your fish fed they will not bother anything else. There are a few exceptions like the Clown Trigger or Queen Trigger which are just down right mean.

kart racer

Sorry to get off subject my small huma huma beats the tar out of my clown from time to time. The picasso is about 2" and the clown is about 4".


Originally Posted by 180dude
I have a 1.5in Huma Huma in my 180gal reef tank. He has not bothered any of the coral, nor the shrimp. I have always felt that is you keep your fish fed they will not bother anything else. There are a few exceptions like the Clown Trigger or Queen Trigger which are just down right mean.
that's because it's only a baby. give it time and it will definitely eat that shrimp, and possibly the corals


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kart Racer
Sorry to get off subject my small huma huma beats the tar out of my clown from time to time. The picasso is about 2" and the clown is about 4".
Personally, IMO they are not compatible fish for long term. As the trigger gets bigger, it will be able to kill the clown and might very well do it. There are some triggers that are relatively more "docile" than others, but definitely not to most crustaceans and potentially also seastars and snails. At the very least they may find these interesting and start picking them up, which can stress them out to the point of death. There is always a risk with these "reef safe" triggers, however, as a general rule I would say there is little risk to corals in particular.


Originally Posted by Vanos
Get a Niger Trigger. I have one and he doesn't bother my urchins, coral banded shrimp, camel shrimp and numerous crabs. But he did eat my Arrow crab last month. Their semi-aggressive and inexpensive so give it a try.
BINGO! My Niger is great and as timid as a lamb. Gets along great with everything in my tank.

kart racer

Sorry Ophiura I meant my huma huma picks on my clown trigger. 180 dude said he had a huma in his reef and I was saying my huma picks on my clown trigger. There is no way I would put one in a reef. But that is just my experience and I know all triggers have their own personallity. And I know I am taking a chance with the 2 triggers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kart Racer
Sorry Ophiura I meant my huma huma picks on my clown trigger. 180 dude said he had a huma in his reef and I was saying my huma picks on my clown trigger. There is no way I would put one in a reef. But that is just my experience and I know all triggers have their own personallity. And I know I am taking a chance with the 2 triggers.

LOL, I did think you meant clown fish and not clown trigger. :D So you can see why I thought it a bit of an odd combination.
I am surprised thought that it is not the other way around with your two triggers!

kart racer

That was my worry to about the clown picking on anything else and it may still happen but that is the one fish I had to have. I took down my reef tank and sold everything to raise money for a larger tank just so I could have one.