Question about used LR?


I have a buddy of mine that is moving and he ws going to give me some of his LR. I have a couple of questions about it.
He did not have a clean up crew and there is algae all over the LR. You can not even see the coraline algae. What can I do about this? Can I just put in in a container with water and curb it with something? If so what?
The other thing about the LR is that he got ick in his tank and lost a few fish. There are some fish still in there that had it bad made it. So should I keep the LR in a container with a power heads for a while before placing in my tank? I was just wondering if the ick could be in the LR at all sense the fish have not been out of there at any time.
The last question is he is also giving me 2 LR that have mushrooms on them. Can I just take those and put them in my tank without having to do anything except maybe scrub some of the algae off in the places where the are no mushrooms?
Thank You


Active Member
I would take the rocks and put them in a container with saltwater and scrub them off. Then place them in another container with a heater and powerhead for a few weeks. I'm not sure if ick can travel in lr but I would not take the chance.


I'm not 100% sure this is true. But I've heard that the ick parasites can't live more than 2 weeks without a host.

mr . salty

Active Member
Scrubbing the rock as slick said will remove most of the algae,then putting it in a bucket with saltwater and powerhead(no lights) for two or three weeks should kill off what scrubbing missed...
ICK can travel on the rocks..So I would definatly NOT put any of it directly into your tank...
Ick has a life cycle of approx 21 days..So keeping the rock in a seperate container for three to four weeks should eliminate the possability of transferring the parasite to your tank...
Asfor the shrooms,,Try putting the rock with them into a small seperate container with lights.This could even be a a small goldfush bowl next to a window..The light will keepthe shrooms happy,and the quarenteen will kill the ick...


Thank You for the reply. I had thought I read something to the effect that ick can live in stuff without a host for so long. That is why I though I better ask. :D
Also as far as the musrooms go can I just put some kind of normal light on them? I do not get much sun light through my window due to a tree outside.
Aslo any suggestions and what is good to use to scrub the LR with?


Active Member
You can use a new tooth brush or a big nylon brush. Just make sure they are new and only use them for "tank stuff"


I hate to bring this up but my buddy also wants to give me his yellow tank but I have a 55 gal. tank. This is probably to small right? It is 48" long. I told him it was to samll. :D I just wanted to make sure I was right. :D

mr . salty

Active Member
I would definatly skip the tang.For one,your tank is too small,and the move will probably stress the fish into disease.
And speaking of disease,,,Wasn't this fish in an ick infested tank to begine with???This is a definate NO NO...NEVER introduce a sick fish into an established/stocked tank.Especially one that has something(like ick) that can infect your livestock...


Thank You for the reply. I did not take the fish. I was think about taking it and putting it in a q tank but then I figured my tank wa to small and did not want to chance it. I got 2 percula clowns that are very happy right now. :D I dont want to take on a sick fish. Also the fact that he might get stressed in my tank because of it being to small. :D


I have the musrooms in a small container with some light. Should I have a heater and power heads in there also?