Question about UV tank size ratings


I have a Coralife Turbo Twist 6x 18w. It is rated for 250 gallons. I just purchased a 220 tank, and I'll be using a 40g sump.
So, I'm pushing the limits of this UV, according to their tank size rating. Does that matter? How is the tank size rating figured??


Active Member
Best guess really is how they are figured. Manufacturers can rate their products' capacity arbitrarily, so there is nothing you can count on.
The effeciveness of the unit is based on how fast you flow water trough it, which in turn affects the turnover rate through the unit. 18W shouldn't have anything more than 100gph going through, so that's not a lot of turnover. Personally, I'd use a 40W on a tank this size.


The reason I'm wanting to use it is that I already own it, it's brand new, and I have had a difficult time selling it w/o GIVING it away. So I'd rather keep it, if at all possible.