Question about water change


I am getting a shipment tomorrow of livestock and all my readings are fine. How long after I get my new pals should I wait before I do a water change.


Active Member
you should do a water change about once a week, or a larger water change once a month. I just do mine in smaller amounts 1 x weekly, its easier that way. so when ever your last water change was, or have you not done one yet?? if not do a 10 % change now. goodluck and congrats on the new live stock


Active Member

Originally posted by Blemmy_Guy
you should do a water change about once a week. I just do mine in smaller amounts 1 x weekly, its easier that way.

Yep, I agree. It keeps the livestock healthier too because dirt and debris will not build-up on the bottom or in the tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by meemmoo
Do you have to heat the water to the tank temp. before adding it?

Yep .... it should be heated to around the same temp. as the tank water and mixed well at least 24 hrs in advance of the waterchange. :D


Active Member
Your new water definitely has to be heated to the same temperature as your tank water. I used to use tap water all the time and I would just mix hot and cold water together until it was right. I then switched to RO water and the first time I did a water change with it, I forgot to heat it because I was used to adjusting the hot and cold taps. Anyway, my water temperature dropped from 79 degrees to 65 degrees. Needless to say, I lost all of my fish.


I agree, I do small water changer once a week too.
Your pH, salinity, alk have to be the same as the water you just took's not just your temperature. Marine fish do not like change. When there is a change, they stress and stress leads to ick and other diseases.


Active Member
Yep, trainfever and Andretti said it best. Even the littlest change in temp and salinity will stress out a saltwater fish and possibly cause disease to appear on the skin of a fish.