Question about water change ...


I just did my first water change on my 150 gal tank the water I removed had a Yellow tint to it ...Is this normal?? or did I wait to long. I had a few things die in the last 2 weeks.


how long has the tank been up and running without a water change? I'll be the first to admit going a little too long between them.


Active Member
No, I wouldn't consider it normal although common. Running activated carbon will clear it up...
What do you have for filtration??


I have a skimmer but it dosn't seem to do much. I have a different one coming. but I don't see how I can run carbon.


In my berlin filter I have a few layers of filter material. Do you think I could place some filter bags with carbon in them under the filter material? The water would go through it before going into the sump.


Active Member
About 20% per month... although I do small weekly water changes it adds up to about 20% per month.
You will have a hard time removing the yellow tint with water changes.


Active Member
I've no clue what a "berlin filter" is, but anywhere that you can put a bag of carbon in moving water will work.


Active Member
put a bag of caron bag near your pump where theres alot of water flow...that will help...also if im thinking correctly a berlin filter, is an ecosystem with miracle mud...thats what i run, and NO yellow water is not normal...its actully a bad thing. How are all your levels?...did you rush the set up> many fish do you have? ...i would do another water change....remember to use ro water


Active Member
Originally Posted by gordruls
In my berlin filter I have a few layers of filter material. Do you think I could place some filter bags with carbon in them under the filter material? The water would go through it before going into the sump.
That should work. As said, anywhere that it will get good water flow through it!!