Question about water

Hello all,
This is my 1st post here, and I'm excited to have found you guy's on such a great site! Let me say, I have not had a salt water tank for over 20 years (I was a teenager) and I am going to set-up a 125 gallon tank soon.
Since buying 125 gallons of distilled or purified water might not be easy, what should I do? I live in a town that has awfully bad tap water (very high in chlorine). It is possible to use well water also. Are either of these choices OK, or should I try to use all bottled water?
Thanks for your help in advance, I'm sure there will be many more basic questions to come.:)


Active Member
Welcome to the Boards!
With a 125gal, I would go ahead and buy an RO/DI unit, it will save you time and money in the long run. Using any other type of water will lead to algae problems in the future.
Welcome! My suggestions for your 125 tank, if you have a high budget and if you want to have perfect water, I would buy an RO/DI system, the best way to go.


Get an RO/DI can get a nice one for $150-200. I wish I had bought one at first, I regret it now...and you will too when you are hauling around a ton of 5 gallon buckets everywhere:mad:
Check out ---- for a good deal.