I use plain old pelleted fish feed, and drop the pelets in and around the mushrooms or polyps mouths. Hard to do without a feeding type tool, or if you have fish that are still hungry, but its certainly doable. Other thanusuing DT's oyster eggs, for supplemental feeding for inverts, all I feed mine now is pellets. The fish may get a few, but its very few, as I always feed the fish first to make sure they are satisfied, then I do the inverts. I made a sort of pellet feed dispenser out of a hypodermic syringe that I can place over a shroom etc and dispense a pellet or two directly on or near the mouth. It has a length of approx 12" so I can pretty well feed everyone without getting them too close up in the process or wasteing feed. The dispenser I made is easy to make, no special tools needed and uses a standard hypodermic syringe, a piece of the hard ridgid airline tube (3/16" size) and a piece or two of heat shrink tube.(available from big box stores ike home depot etc)I would rather watch my inverts feed than my fish.its just much more interesting. As mentioned above, yes, most get food from light, but they do so much better when actually fed, and you see them eat, you know they are getting nurishment.