Question Bang Guy.


Bang Guy,
I was told that you were the one to ask about refugiums. I currently have a 29 gal that feeds into the sump for my 125. I had it set up for fish that I was keeping for my 120 and now I am going to turn it into a refugium. I have moved everything except an urchin and a star fish. I will move the star fish tonight but I have been told that urchins can be trouble for a tank because they can topple things over. Can I leave him in my refugium? How much sand do I need? Thanks.

bang guy

Do you know the specie of the Urchin? Any of the Diadema sp. would be great for the refuge. You may need to supplement the diet with algae sheets though.
For that tank I would use a 2.5" sandbed. Sounds like it's going to be a nice refugium.


I believe that it is a spiney urchin. It is black with long spines. It has an orange center with a blue ring around that. I have the tank sitting on a shelf near my work bench that I do stain glass on. Since I am there quite often is there anything else that I can put in it, any fish?. At one time I had thought about sea horses but I changed my mind when I did some more research.