question bout ls

ok, i am hopeing to setup a 40g tank for a pair of blue spot jaw fish. i was wondering if you setup the tank in this order ls,lr,water,salt,filtration. will all the good things in the ls die? i have only done cc in the past
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
another question ne body know of any good tank mates for a pair of blue spot jaw fish. snowflake eel? mini angel? thro somethin out there.:)


I would set up a new tank in this order. Water, salt, filtration, lr and last ls. You want to set up the water first to make sure there are no leaks. Then add the salt to the appropriate salinity. Let it settle for a couple of days while you add the neccesary filtration and units(heating, powerheads, etc). Then I'd add the lr and arrange it to my taste. Last I'd add the sand (4-5 inches). If you set it up this way you should have less die-off and the lr will be sturdy.
I'd pass up on the eel. They might make the jawfish an expensive meal. One of my favorite fish is a dwarf flame angel, though you have to wait 6-8 months before getting one. Another favorite is the percula clownfish. You could get a pair of them. They add alot of energy and color to a sw tank. You won't have to worry about bullying with these fish. Good luck. Bluespot jawfish is a definite thumbs up. I'd wait atleast 2-3 months before adding them to the tank. They are pretty expensive and I'm not sure if they are very hardy.


I would put the sand then the rock. WHat i did for my tanks is, First i filled the tank half up with water then i added the sand then the live rock then the rest of the water then i started the filters.