Question/comment for the moderators


Active Member
I think that SWF.COM has no choice but to stand by it's policy. How many people on the classified section will ask where to buy Live Rock even though it is sold at a very reasonable price on this site. It's a slap in the face to the owners of this site when people take extreme advantage of it and use it to support other online retailers. If this site allowed PM's or other links then people by human nature would take gross advantage of it. I am sure if this site did not sell product and was supported by addspace like other sites then they would allow PM's, but they have to make a buck and supporting other sites with free advertising is not the way to stay in buisness.


EXACTLy charges nothing no membership charges nothing like that for us to use this board. they ask for very little in return one is no competitor links no selling of corals and no rude or abuseive behavior to name the top few.
I hate to say this but in the past its been refered to free speach and other freedoms and that doesnt apply here in these forums because its a private owned domain and we are allowed to use it to further our hobby and to get information. The problem is that some people do not read what they agree to and when you sign up you agree to the terms and conditions of this board
NO IF AND'S or BUTs about it. I am sorry if that sounds harsh but its a fact of life on this particular board. We the moderators will enforce these rules set by period.
I am sorry but this thread is like all the rest it turns into a complaint thread that serves no useful purpose because is the only ones that can change the rules and I dont very seriously that it will happen from a buisness standpoint. So this topic is closed. I think everything has been said that can be said.


Active Member
Excuse me Mike for just popping in, but I wanted to add a few points.
BELIEVE ME, if I could change something, it would be things like the PM, and the links.
Do you have any idea how long it takes to moderate this board, looking for this stuff?
A long time. We don't get kicks out of it, it is not retribution, it is not "I like so and so, but not that guy." It is the less pleasant part of the "job" (the ---- spam being the least pleasant).
These are simply the rules.
I've been on a lot of boards, seen a lot of features...and in the end I still prefer SWF. I get annoyed that I can't post links to certain info, for sure. But in the end it is a nice place to be.
Don't feed the seagulls.
Don't pee in the pool.
You break, you buy...
All employees must wash hands.
Don't post links, discuss stores...
All moderately annoying, but not difficult to follow rules we live with every day.