question eels


Originally Posted by 24aqua
can i have a eel in a 24gl (any eel)? :help:
salt eels get very large, most if not all are recomended for no smaller than a 55 and even that seems small being even the small ones reach over 2-3 feet long.


marine fishes 500+ have several listed for min 30 gal and a couple at 20 gal. not sure about avail or pricing though. what else is in your tank that may be considered food for an eel?


New Member
What is "marine fises 500+" ? a site or book? I am also trying to figure out who will compatively (is that a word lol?) live together when the time comes. I am looking at getting the Marine Aquarist (sp) book mentioned in another thread.


I would have to say that in my experience ells and smaller tanks are not a good mix. they like to jump ship and wind up on the floor even in a large tank.
as far as compatibilty it really depends on the species most will eat anything they can catch. and as far as compatible with a reef tank they are but not the small fish and crustaceans that we want in the tank. as far as corals they wont eat them but can knock over the rocks as they get bigger.
what are your plans for the tank?


If you decided to go with anything i'd go with a SFE. This thread would be much better off in the aggressive fish area too.


its a book. I agree snow flake eel. readily available. will eat small fish. anything would be too big for your tank. would have to be a species only tank.