Question for all cat owners


My Son and Fiance are coming to Florida with their 2 cats.. My question for anyone who has cats, is do they bother your aquariums ? Do you put egg crate or other accross the back of the hood ?, the back of my hood is open, should I cover it ?


Active Member
My Husband and I also have two cats. One of them couldn't care LESS about the aquarium, the other is a 4month old kitten - who gets into EVERYTHING in ANY way she can. Fortunately, our tank has a hood that can be opened only by those posessive of oposable thumbs, so she can't get INTO the tank....but it doesn't stop her from sitting ON it

I would defnitely suggest covering the open portion for the duration of the cats' stay in your house. You may have nothing to worry about, or you may have two little devils on your hands- either way, if the tank is covered, the tank is safer. It's also best to keep it covered to prevent any cat hair/dander from getting into the water. You'd be suprised how insidious the stuff is!


Active Member
My cat is perfect, she is 6 months old and the most adorable thing in the world, she loves to sit and watch my tank...she never touchs it...nor does she really interfear with anything....
i wouldn't stress
the cats are going to freak out anyways from being in a new place, i wouldn't worry about them touching your tank...if anything they would try to hide behind it...not jump in it.
Isn't she cute?!?!



Active Member
My cat occasionally glances at my QT tank, but quickly dismisses the inhabitants as no threat to her dominance, and therefore, beneath her contempt.

michelle l

Jer4916....your cat is ADORABLE!! Great photos!!
It really depends on the cat...when we first set our tank up, we had one cat who kept jumping up on the lid and looking down in the tank. We didn't have any fish in it yet, so one day I purposley left the lid off. Sure enough, he jumped up and SPLASH, in he went. It took me a while to get the fur out, but it was worth it because he never got up there again.

Now they all ignore the tank (we have 5 cats) except for one who likes to sit and watch it. It's really cute because she is so absorbed in what the fish are doing but she never bothers the tank. The cats who are coming to visit you will probably be so freaked out (cats are very touchy about new places) that they won't bother the tank. I'd cover open areas to be safe, though.


thanks again everyone.. I will put eggcrate or simular over the back of the open hood. that way it will still allow for air circulation.. Michelle that is too funny about your cat.. I'm sure she did learn her lesson as most cats hate water..

Although years ago I had this one kitten, who everytime she would hear water running, she would come running. Anyone taking a bath, if the door wasn't closed tight got a surpise visitor.. or if it was dishes we was washing in the kitchen sink, she sit there patiently and wait for the break and if you moved to far from the sink.. guess what the next "NON DISH" you would find in it.. yup thats right kitty. my sons were always telling her "Retard, cats don't like water" so thus the poor kitty got stuck with "Retard" for a name.


Active Member
That reminds me of my cat in college, he would sit in this drippy sink and let the water drip on his head..... strange cat.


New Member
I have 3 cats and they are interested in my 125 only marginally. Our male cat shows the most interest mainly due to the fact that our Lawnmower Blenny drives him nuts.
Sometimes he likes to lay on top of the tank, which is no problem because the tank top is tight and plenty strong enough to support him. That, I think, is where you should concentrate your efforts. Otherwise, a cat would have to have scuba gear to be a serious threat to the fish!


Active Member
my cats dont really bother my tank. my cat jack sits on the floor and looks up at it, and my other cat jill sits on a chair to watch the fish. occasionally when i leave a chair too close to the tank or i am cleaning the tank, jill will jump on top of the light canopy and look down into the tank. no big deal though. my biggest problem is when im trying to heat up water for a water change and i leave the lids off the buckets. my cats either drink the water or stick their paws in it! so i have hairy water lol. but the filter cleans it up eventually


Active Member
speaking of water loving cats, jack sleeps in the sink. and also, when you get out of the shower he jumps in and licks the water leftover.


this is Maxx and my old roomies fw and what I am sure I have to look forward to with my sw and my baby girl Chancey who loves my sump, but the water doesn't taste too good she has reported to me.



Active Member
I have 6 cats (I know, I'm nuts) and out the six, three couldn't care less about the tank, two will sit in front of it and watch it, and the other one (my only male-he's a terror) actually stuck his paws down in my freshwater tank and caught a fish. The freshwater tank has since been taken down, but everytime I used to walk into the room where my saltwater tank is, I'd hear a thunk-him jumping down off the glass cover on my tank. So now kitty has to be locked in the laundry room whenever no one is home. But he's a sweetie.


Active Member
oh to hear kitty wait to get some cats, you ought to share more of those great stories. haha....whew


Well my son and fiancé arrived this morning. Their cats are name silver and Kasey. Kasey the black and white cat my husband said jumped up on the ledge of the fw tank and was just sitting there watching the fish. Now she has taken up post on my sewing machine where she just lies and watches the sw tank.
Silver the Grey stripe cat is more interested in looking at himself in our glass patio doors, Conceited ?
Our 2 Lhasa Apso's Brownie and Lunchmeat are not jealous of the cats at all.. (wink)


i have 2 cats they love to watch all 3 of my tanks they swat at the glass they go crazy watching my snowflake eal suprisingly when my snf jumped out of tank they left him alone and one of my cats woke me up and luckly i was able to save him they never jump on tanks but are very jealous when im feeding or working on my tanks so everyone eats at sametime so luckly its one happy home so ar hope it stays this way


Active Member
when i use to have my gray kitten, he one day decided he wanted to take a "bath" in one of the brute trash cans full of water and rock, from then on he never ever went near the can again



Well here are a couple pictures of Kasey.. the first one is him lying on my sewing machine and checking out the sw tank. the 2nd one is of him sitting on the fw tank hood.. my dog lunchmeat is sitting on the stairs.. hubby just brought her outside, and she is muddy... getting ready to give her a bath..



Active Member
Misty, that's a GORGEOUS tank!
Here's our little munchkin wishing bullets at our little nano
