dam our firehouse was crowded yesterday, we had all 4 companies at our house, thats a total of like 40+ ppl , good thing a few of were outside refilling the scba bottle. So what we did since our fog machine didnt have any liquid, we got our scba's on and put our fire hoods on backwards so we couldnt see, then we went up in teams of four, when we got up to our second floor it was dark and there was an obstacle course, our objective was to find two victims and rescue randy and a fake dog. When we were up there we crawled making sure we hung on to the guyin front of us, i had trouble crawlin cause i had to hold on to the guy in front and i had a haligan tool in my other hand and to top it off my air pack started to ring cause i was low on air, good thing my team leader was experienced cause we got in and out quickly.