Question for All


Ok, since I can't get a good pic of what has happened I will explain, please use your imagination. Picutre a rock in the shape of an A but the two little legs are cut off. Now there is a cave like hole all the way through it. I have a BTA, that moved itself into this little ledge right outside the cave. Pretty happy. Well an odd thing happened, apparently it wanted to be on the other side of the cave, basically the back glass facing the wall. This little dude shrunk completely up, I mean like almost dead looking, tentacles and everything were completely deflated, looked like little flat dead worms, anyway, he managed to turn completely around and unfold in the opposite direction. Strangest thing I have ever seen, had me worried for a little bit, but it showed me that no matter how much research you do, you can never underestimate these creatures. Still boggles my mind, and he did it in just a few hours. I know I am not the prettiest thing out there, hehe, but what he had to put alot of effort into this. Just was not sure if anyone else ever experienced something like this.


anemones are like jello imo, they can really get into and where ever they want, i had something similar, right upon putting the nem in the tank it immediatly morphed its way through super tiny crevices and through to the back of the tank, i was super woried because i had no idea where he was in the morning, but upon lifting a rock, found him burried in between a few rocks, he has since came out, but yea, they can and will move around where ever they please, crazy weird creatues!


Almost gave me a small stroke I think, hehe But he seems fine now, he on the rock between the rock and the back glass, or a rock and a hard place LOL cheesy I know
He is open and looks normal, eh, what ya gonna do, can't please them all the time, hehe