Question for anyone who has used Novus



Just used Novus 2 polish on the inside of a 135 gallon Clarity Plus acrylic tank. It worked beautifully to remove the small scratches and haze from a puffers beak. The total system with sump is 250 gallons. My question is has anyone every used this product before on the inside without harming corals? We were told it wouldn't harm fish but corals could die from any silicone left behind if not entirely removed. We rinsed the inside and dried it before refilling the tank......we haven't added the fish or corals back into the tank yet and are running carbon. Only a few pieces of live rock have been put back. Has anyone used Novus without any harm to their corals in their reef tank? Thanks for the help.....just need some reassurance:)


Thanks for the reply........It is a great product but will feel better when I know if anyone has used it on the inside withtout problems:) With 250 gallons total water volume I can't see where it would be a problem, but who knows?


40 g is probably too small to use it safely then right? Well what if I just turned off all of my circulation for the time it takes to 'dry' or however it does that, do a large water change, and turn everything back on. Does it have ammonia in it? I would think not, but who knows.


Active Member
Ammonia wouldn't be what concerns me, it would be the other chemicals that make it up that would concern me immensely.


So you think I could talk to some professionals about using some sandpaper...that's pretty much my only option...but whatever...anyway