Question for Broomer


Hi Broomer, sorry to bother you. I was going to e-mail you but couldn't find your e-mail address anywhere. In the last week I have been inquiring about making a refugium for myself and some body suggested I contact you and that you might be able to come up with an Idea or drawing of how I should make it. Anyway, my tank is a 180 gallon soon to be reef tank. It is basically just getting thru with its cycle. I have about 120 ponds of live sand and 250 pounds of live rock. I have a sealife systems w/d that my overflow drains into. I would like to use something around a 45 gallon for the refugium. And then use my sea life w/d if you think I still should, but if you dont then I will just use the w/d on a nother tank. So basically I would really appreciate it if you could come up with something (Maybe a drawing) od how I should design and build it. I really dont know anything about refugiums so I couldnt tell you what I want to keep in there. I guess I will do it whatever way you think will give me the best filtration and happy healthy tank. Also, my refugium has to be under my show tank. Thanks again and hope to hear from you soon. My e-mail is


well I'm certainly not broomer but I did get his permission to *borrow* his write up about sumps/refugiums and it's posted on my web site if you'd like to read it. I should have his pictures posted in one of the galleries by the end of the weekend (providing my host manages to stay up on sunday)..


Active Member
I've never owned a 180 gallon reef tank - so anything I say would be guesswork.
I would imagine a large 45 gallon refugium would work great on your size tank - providing you realize the need to keep the water moving through the fuge.
You want slow flow - but not so slow that the fuge water becomes stagnent. Think of this size refugium as you would any other - just that it's much larger than many of our display tanks.
I guess that a living DSB would be in order for the refugium, and sufficient lighting to keep your macro algae / caulerpa growing well. Harvest as usual.
As far as a design - I'm familiar with the Rubbermaid type container - but doing a glass tank refugium will require a different approach.
If you can use the w/d on another tank - and get a good external overflow like LifeReef's Dual 1" ~ that would give you 1400 gph overflow capacity. You could possibly use two of these dualies - and run the system a 2800 gph. That would be my preference for a large tank such as yours.
Partition the 45 as a sump/refugium with glass or acrylic sheets - with compartments for heater, skimmer, fuge and return pump(s) ~ if you're up to that type of DIY project.
What is your main reason for setting up the refugium ?
Nitrate reduction ?
Protective area for pod reproduction >
Both ?
Are you on a budget - or is money not such a concern ?