Question for MelbourneFL or any other tank builders???


Active Member
I hope I remember correct but you built your own tank right?Hey I have scored some free acrylic. 2 pieces 24X18 1/4" thick, and 2 pieces 60X24X1/4" thickness. I was thinking about using the garf wood acrylic method. My question being if I bought a 3/4 inch piece of acrylic or glass, would I still need to frame the frot of the aquarium with wood, or do you think it would hold. Also what kind of epoxy did you use on your tank.


You've got me a bit confused here. What are you using the 1/4" acrylic for? I got my epoxy paint from aquatic eco-systems, they have a variety of colors available. It costs about $50 before shipping and *sigh* it's a HAZMAT product so shipping runs almost $30 bucks. Let me know what you're plans are and I'll be happy to give you any input I can but I don't understand your question I'm afraid :confused:


Active Member
Well I am going to build a frame(box) out of plywood, and line it with the acrylic sheets. I was just hoping the front was not going to have to be framed since I am going to use a 3/4" piece.


interesting, you would probably save a substantial sum of money if you framed the front though. Depending on how high you're building the tank you could save even more if you went with 1/2" glass. I'd really have doubts about the strength of bonding the 1/4" to the front pane without any kind of frame if you know what I mean. what dimensions are you looking at?


Active Member
Well the front piece would be mostlikely 3/4 inch acrylic more over after just getting off the phone with a glass shop here maybe 1/2 inch glass. Buy doing that I could drop the framing around the front I hope. My question for all the tank builders and engineers is, Do you think the 3/4inch acryl, or the 1/2 inch glass will hold with out the frame. The bottom, sides and back will all still be acording to the plans just no front frame.