question for SCSInet about plumbing - flow return


as i am new to setting up a sump / refugium i am nowhere new to this hobby of 20 years or better. i have been told your the man as far as plumbing goes .....
here's the question ...
i have a 120 gal - non drilled reef with ample water flow and currently using a cpr hang on refugium and several seio pumps etc.
i am setting up a 24 x 12 x18 reef lab refugium under the tank stand with skimmer - heater - etc mounted inside .
i've purchased the CPR CS100 rated at 800 gph for an overflow and the MAG 9.5 rated at 950 gph @ ground level.
using the calculator at " reef &&###" i estimate about 635 gph with 2- 1 inch return lines (pvc plumbed) tee'd and running to each end of the tank and over the top rim with 90's into the tank.
if i use a single 1 inch return line also pvc the calculator estimates about 690 gph back into the tank.
as i would prefer the 2 return lines - looks , dead spot help, ect. - i am concerned that i might have a problem at the overflow return not having enough flow to fill the back chamber in the overflow and get noise and micro bubbles in the sump or main tank as it's rated for 800 gph.
would the difference of 2 return lines @ 635 gph and 1 return line @ 690 gph effect the performance of my overflow that much - and if so .....
how could i stop any noise or bubble problems .
oh yeah - i do not plan on using any ball valves to restrict any flow on the 1 line system but will on the 2 line system to balance flow only ....
he he ...can you tell i've been reading way to much instead of just hacking up a bunch of pvc pipe and getting this over with ....
help ..............!!!!!
wifey is mentpausal and severe depression - driving me so crazy i'm about to take my tank and personels to the garage to live ...ha ha ha


Active Member
You could use a durso stand pipe in the rear box to reduce noise. pretty easy to put together. Be careful of the calculator on -- I think it gives less flow then actual. Just my experience in the past.
I do have one question though, How is it possible for a 1" drain to drain 800 gph? I though it was 600 per 1" drain?


Originally Posted by TurningTim
You could use a durso stand pipe in the rear box to reduce noise. pretty easy to put together. Be careful of the calculator on -- I think it gives less flow then actual. Just my experience in the past.
I do have one question though, How is it possible for a 1" drain to drain 800 gph? I though it was 600 per 1" drain?
i thought so also at first untill i found this :
A built-in overflow is the most efficient method of draining aquarium water to a filter. If your aquarium does not have built-in overflow, CPR Continuous Siphon Overflows/Prefilters are the best means for getting water from an aquarium to a filter system without expensive modifications to the tank. They quietly skim up to six times more water than units with tubes.
The advantages of CPR Continuous Siphon Overflows/Prefilters include:
* Adjustable water level allows you to
easily change the level in your tank.
* Black top reduces algae growth.
* Plastic screen to prevent fish loss.
* Quiet operation.
Any model may also be ordered as a Deluxe Model to include the aqualifter pump and an acrylic lid for quieter operation. Simply add (DX) to the overflow code when ordering.
Email CPR directly for complete measurements of CS Overflows.
Now watch an informative video with an overview of the instilation process of the CS Overflow. This is listed on our CS Overflow Forum, or Click here for more details.
Model Flow Rate Outflow Size Width
CS50 300 GPH 3/4" Bulkhead 6"
CS90 600 GPH 1" Bulkhead 7 1/4"
CS100 800 GPH 1" Bulkhead 9 3/8"
right from their web ...hope it's not a typo
thanks for responding also


Active Member
The only thing I can think of is if you use that ribbed hose into the sump. But yet the bulkhead is still 1". IDK I never used a CPR?
I just find it hard to believe that using PVC it will drain 800 gph.


well - i'm gonna use spa-flex after the i inch union all the way to the sump instead of pvc or the ribbed hose - i feel better about it's design and lack of ribbing or conection area that might cause any resistance - to get max flow without "hopefully" any churning - spashing sounds ......much less micro bubbles.
i really wished i had more room under the tank for a larger sump but my doorway won't allow anything much larger..........
hmmm - i could just drill a 1 inch hole through the wall behind the DT into the wet bar and turn that room into a " FISH ROOM "...............HHMMMMMMM ?