Question for someone who has shipped LR before

randy 13

I was thinking of shipping LR but when I went to a couple of different websites to figure shipping - it was outrageous.
for 2 day shipping, 250 lb was going to cost like $300.
Does this sound right to those of you who have shipped before?
I calculated using different zip codes and it still came out about the same price.
Actually, I just check UPS and for 150 lb, next day air was $430. 2nd day was over $200.


Yes that is about right. Shipping that much weight overnight is quite crazy to say the least. a 45-50 pound box of LR is generally 50-75 dollars depending where you are so that much rock would have to be a lot.

randy 13

Thanks for the info. That is outrageous! I have had some people offer me a fixed amount for live rock but I pay for shipping. But the shipping costs more than they're offering. Thanks again!


Air freight the rock and pickup at the airport about $75. Are you from Chicago area I have relative traveling back and fourth they each can carry on 50 pounds? When you cure rock scrub it, dip it to get rid of hichhickers salinity should be high or low? (not sure). The rubble in the bottom of the box is very rich with good thing that will grow from spore and such.

randy 13

From the Springfield, MO area. I'll look into the air freight. Thanks for the info!
Usually you dip LR in high salinity water.


Unless there are any corals on the rock I would consider freight or second day air. Any shipping is going to cause die off so second day air is usually okay.


Randy its me again will be in springfield next week sunday thru Wed still would like to look at rock. I emailed u back and was just curious to see rock u have had it a while now but get back to me if u need my email again just repost still interested in all the fiji u have and can swing south to nixa and pick it up just let me know


I'm flying to Chicago next week and was wondering if the airlines allow you to travel with live goods. I live in the Los Angeles ( Mecca of saltwater stuff at killer prices) area and I can bring anyone living in the Chicago area whatever they want. If I can bring with me I will sell it . I can sell 50lbs. of Tonga LR for around $275 fresh from the island. This is premium rock and has lots of color. Tell me how to pack it and I will bring some with me. Also bumble snails 25 for $50 or 25 turbos for $50.

randy 13

Durabane - Can't find your email. Email me at
Are you coming in town tomorrow or next Sunday?
Email me with an offer on the rock. Also, are you interested in any of the fish? I haven't seen the eel for a little while so I'm not sure if he's still there or not.


I would be interested in bringing some inverts in and a powder blue tang. I saw some stuff in Huntington Beach. Where else would you suggest? LR is taken as a carryon the size of the box must fit in the overhead. I can get you demensions but don't need rock. To transport it you put it in the box in a heavy plastic bag, the rock is wrapped in wet news paper. Most stores that ship know all this and a company like Walt Smith boxes are sized to fit in overhead.
Email me, .
By the way, just because you offered even if you can't do, here is what I will do. Any question you have about touring in Chicago I will answer. I can also help you save money by explaining how to get around Chicago. Best places to go let me know what you like to do.