Question for Tang police


Active Member
I am by no means getting a Tang lets just get that out of the way now

I do however want to get a 120 gallon and I know that the first fish we will want is going to be a hippo and/or maybe a yellow tang. (can we have both in this size tank?)
My questions I guess relate to ich and stress of the tangs. From reading on here I have noticed that tangs are VERY likely to get ich and from what I have read Hippos are very likely to be the first.
When you buy a tang and take it out of its home (LFS) = stress, then take it home and put it in a QT= stress. Then if it hasn't gotten ich from this wouldn't it be likely to get ich when you move it AGAIN to put it in your MT??
I guess that is it. Moving it so much wouldn't that cause much stress and cause the ich? If ich is actually stress related?? :notsure:

I hope that isn't stupid I am just wondering about it. :happyfish


i think those two would be ok in a 120.
Stress related ich isn't normally caused from moving it from the LFS to the QT to the Main. it's more along the lines of poor water quality, too small of a tank, or bully fish picking on it. Or if another fish is introduced that has ich, the tang will most likely be the first to catch it.
The only stupid questions are the ones left unasked.


Active Member
Oh ok. I thought they got ich pretty much from anything that caused them stress...IE moving...LOL ok then. Glad I asked I was worried about that. I didn't see how I was going to be able keep a tang from getting ich. Thanks


slight stress from moving it shouldn't do anything, otherwise people wouldn't buy tangs, because it'd be a sure thing they'd get ich when you brought it home


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
slight stress from moving it shouldn't do anything, otherwise people wouldn't buy tangs, because it'd be a sure thing they'd get ich when you brought it home

That is EXACTLY what I was thinking :scared:


Active Member
i think the two would be fine but you said you wanted them to be your first fish, bad idea!
i would wait a min. of 6-8 months to let the tank mature and then your water quality will be more stable.


Active Member
My yellow tang had black ich when I got it but it did not have a recurrence when I moved it to the MT.


Active Member
IMO, Fish get Ick and other diseases from haveing a weak immune systems and a degraded slime coats that is caused by shipping and handleing and netting ect. and the stress from all that over time thru there travels from the ocean to LFS to our homes so a QT is nessesary for them to have time to regain their immune systems and be able to handle the additional stress of being placed in a main tank with establish fish that will bully them when introduced.


Active Member
Originally Posted by connor
i think the two would be fine but you said you wanted them to be your first fish, bad idea!
i would wait a min. of 6-8 months to let the tank mature and then your water quality will be more stable.

Oh well I didn't mean my first fish, I meant my first NEW fish. I have a 29 gallon now, so my fish and corals would go in the new tank first. Boy is it gonna look empty. :hilarious


oh yeah, you should introduce the tangs last. so if you plan on introducing any other fish, do those first.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
oh yeah, you should introduce the tangs last. so if you plan on introducing any other fish, do those first.

Unless they are damsels..............
Darth (watching out for you) Tang


Active Member
Well I thought I was suppose to introduce like the Hippo first so that other fish don't pick on him. I was told that on another thread - a while back. Cause I am thinking of getting some type of angel like maybe a cherub or coral beauty. Not sure have to still research those. But I thought it was best to introduce the more timid fish first. That way the more aggressive fish don't have their territories established. Is this incorrect?


tangs are aggressive... i would do the hippo 2nd to last, and the yellow last. What you read is right, but the hippo is aggressive as well... i would introduce the angel first, the hippo 2nd, and the yellow last... but i could be wrong. :notsure:


Active Member
I have both hippo and yellow tang in my 220, I had them orginally in a 125. the yellow tang was about the 3rd fish and the hippo was the second to last with no problemsright before I switched to the bigger tank i got a powder blue tangalso with no problems. In the 220 the final tang addition was a naso.He was a baby when we bought him, he is maturing now getting all his pretty coloring with no aggression problems. Good luck :joy:


another tip... if you have more aggressive fish in your tank already, and you want to add another fish that is not-so-aggressive you can do one of two things... 1. rearrange the rockwork in your tank when you introduce the new fish, so all territories will be lost, and everyone will have to estalbish again (this can kinda be a pain in the hiney, especially if you like your rockwork). or 2. After QC'ing the new fish, and adding him to the tank, you can remove the more aggressive fish to the QC for a few days or so, so he'll have to establish a new territory.