Question for the Dwarf Angel Police

nm reef

Active Member
Never heard of the "dwarf angel police"...but sure you could keep a dwarf in a 29. As long as there is plenty of LR for it to browse on...the tank is stable and predators to harrass it...sure its possible.


I don't have anything in my tank right now besides LS. I ordered some LR from this site last Thursday.
I am thinking about a royal gamma, tomato clown, and yellow tail damsel. Are those compatible?


Dwarf Angels are not exactly the nicest fish either. I think they could hold their own against anything you would want to put in a 29.


Yes, the dwarf will only get a few inches, Ours gives the big Clarkii a run for his money. I think you will be fine


I have a 29gl with a clarkii, 3 striped damsel, yellow tailed damsle, blue chromis, and a green mandarin fish. My tank is fine with 5 fish so I'm sure four fish would be alright and my yellow tailed damsel is a really nice fish. The only one I have a problem with is my 3-striped damsel "Rupert". He tries to beat on new fish but after they have a day or 2 together, hes fine.

salty rob

All damsels are evil.
I have a yellow dwarf angel. Very friendly, although shy at first. I would not put it in with a damsel.


dwarfs need and established tank lots of rock work. one shoud be fine in a 29 but i would add it as one of the last fish.and some of the dwarf are mean some are laid back kinda depends



Originally posted by Kaiser
I don't have anything in my tank right now besides LS. I ordered some LR from this site last Thursday.
I am thinking about a royal gamma, tomato clown, and yellow tail damsel. Are those compatible?

in my opinion i think these will work.but not all at once angel last