Question for the pro's and updated photos


New Member
Thanks all in advance. This tanks is established and running well for just about 10 months. Water readings are excellent and been excellent since the begining. But for some reason my sand bed has begun to grow diatom/brown algea. What is causing an established tank to grow brown algea? What should I do or be concerned with? Here are some photos of the tank but it does not show the recent problems. You know what, come to think of it I did just change my bulbs but would that cause this??? Besides that nothing has changed in the last 10 months.



I had brown alage growth, I cut back the lights a bit, and did larger weekly water changes. Took care of the problem within a few weeks, hope this helps. Question, what kind of lights are you using to support your claim? Thanks, Good Luck!


Active Member
Granted that all the water levels are in check (as I assume they are from the pics), the tank is probably just adjusting to the new lights, as this can definitely do it. Just give your tank some time and I am sure it will go away on its own.


New Member
I have taken some heat for having a clam in my tank. But its been in there since the begining (10 months). It was given to me from a friend who had a 12 gallon nano running on PC's. He had it for about a year so its been surviving under PC's for almost two years. I know some do not recommend it but he is doing great and growing. The only coral that has died on me is the Zenia. Use to grow like weeds in my tank and about 3 months ago it started melting away.
Thanks for the feedback. I am just concerned something else might have been going on to cause the algea. I hope its the lights? Ill monitor the water closly just in case.


b town as for the xenia dying off that is a book on xenia it will tell you that every year xenia dies and grows back.almost like weeds lol
and you might be getting black slime aka diatoms from sunlight creeping in through the windows and hitting your tank.If you must get rid of it suck it off with a syphon and do a water change.if you have time let it naturally go away(doing multiple water changes a week will speed up this process) hope this helps!