Question for you Vince


Vince I have read in some of your post that you are very expirenced in fresh water fish. Well I have question for you, anything will help.
My best friend has a 37 gal with an Oscar, bumble bee chiclid, a brown african chiclid, and a Jack Dempsey. he just added a fw morray eel. Well everyone one else keeps eating the live food before the eel even comes out of the cave. He needs to eat but we are stumped on how to get him to eat. Any suggestions would really be appreciated.
Shel :D


I never should've said I'm very experienced... lol
I had similar situations with my oscars and other big fishes. One way you could make sure he eats is basically to overfeed the tank so everyone gets enough food. What kind of live food you feeding and how many do you put in everytime?
I must admit, 37 gal with an oscar and a jack dempsey is going to get crowded soon. Are they all juvenile size? Your tank size has to be big enough for everyone to enjoy. THis might be off topic but you should tell your best friend to stop putting in more fish. :cool:


Thanks Vince
* First the 37gal is temp, as they grow bigger he is looking into an 80gal. Maybe even 125. I say 80gal, anything bigger should be for salt. :D They are juv.
* When he did not have the morray eel, he would but like 20 small-med feeder fish in and they would be gone in the morning. Since he bought this eel he but in about small goldfish and the Oscar thought that was coolist thing. He swam around with the gold fish sticking out of his mouth for quite a while. He then spit it out and went hunting for another and ate half of it again. The eel moved in last thursday.
It is strange to be calling you Vince, my husbands name is Vince and I have never met anyone else named Vince. Well at least i will not forget your name. :D
* This has nothing to do with the above mentioned tank, I have 2 Baby Jack Dempseys with 2 Baby rubber eels in my 29 gal. Well I would like to add another fish or 2 to this, but want something the Dempseys will get along with. Oscars? :rolleyes:


Because it's about fish and The Aquarium is for ... A watering hole to discuss off topic. It is... after all, related to fish. I hope there's no prejudice against freshwater topics.
well. back to shel's topic
Oscar would be an excellent choice that is if they are going to be moved out of that 29 gallons once they reach 4 inch +. Oscars are very peaceful fish and will probably get beat up by Jack Dempesy if they are put in a small tank. In terms of compatability, anything that is agressive will do such as { Pacus, Firemouths, Green Terror, Oscars, etc. ) Anything that can hold on its own against Jack's agressive behaviors.
*please do remember, 29 gallon is way too small for these agressive cichilds.


JohnnySalt be nice. It is related to fish after all. I know this is a salt BB, but people talk about their salt and fresh tanks. I wanted to ask Vince, he seems to know about fresh water. He has more info then the fish stores here for fresh.
Thanks Vince for your info, I really appreciate it.
How often would you suggest to feed the morray eel? Is 2 times a week enough?
We were thinking of setting up another tank for the ciclids to hang out in for awhile, while we get the eel to start coming out of his cave and eating. Once the eel starts eating on the reg. basis, then we will put the chiclids back. Do you think this is a good idea. Or will the Morray come once it is hungry enough? Opinions? :p
Shel :p


:) You are giving me too much credit. Thank you!
How much you feed them will depend on you. One thing I'm still not sure of; morray eels need brackish water/saltwater. I'm sure you know? Many people had problems with morray eels and one of the common problems they stated was " i can't seem to get my morray eel to eat" If you keep them in freshwater, they will not live a long life.
Back to splitting up the cichilds and eel. You could take the cichilds out and let the eel settle out and set its territory first. If your tank is big enough, you could try getting a tank divider and "isolate" the eel; so he gets food without anyone taking it from him.


Hey Thanks Vince, I think I will be splitting them up this weekend. Tonight is small water change on the big tank. :D
Thanks for all the info, I really appreciate it. :D