Question NEED HELP!


I have a miniture yellow anemone
with purple tips in my tank that seems to
be fine when the lights are on but when I
turn the lights out for the night, in the
morning it looks very dead. but then during
the day when the lights on it slowly gets ok
again. I left my tank light on for 24 hours and it was fine....Is it ok to leave my tank light on
24 hours a day? I have a clown and 2 damsels
with the anemone in the 12 gal. will the fish
still sleep with the light on? is it harmful
to the fish?
please help
its perfecly normal for anemones to shrink up like that.they shrink up to expel waste its a normal cycle for them since they eat and expel waste from the same hole. i wouldnt reccomend leaving your lights on for 24 hrs. a day. fish need rest and they dont have eyelids. hope this helps.