Question on a sand Anemones


Active Member
Has anyone ever seen any of thes in a aquarium or fish store.

It is a edwardsia sp. from Sulawesi Indonesia.Will they kill fish.They look pretty cool looking would like to have one in my tank


Active Member
Hopefully someone more experienced will step in but I never seen them in captivity .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
Hopefully someone more experienced will step in but I never seen them in captivity .
I love the color in it.I would love to have one.


Active Member
I did a little research and found they are rare and occasionally and only found in Corbridge Cave . I highly doubt you can even get one weather alone keep one in captivity .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
I did a little research and found they are rare and occasionally and only found in Corbridge Cave . I highly doubt you can even get one weather alone keep one in captivity .
oh well.I looked around but didn't fin'd much on it. thanks.I wonder why it in my fish book if it not able to be kept.


Active Member
Which book ? Just because it`s in a book , it doesn`t mean it can be kept in a fish tank .


Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
I love the color in it.I would love to have one.

you could get a tube anemone. Im sure its the same family.
Very colorful, eats fish, non photosynthetic.
Heres mine, the purple and green critter in the middle of the pic.
I mean its a compromise.


Hey digitydash what does the book say about thoe sand anemones? My LFS has 2 of them but they didnt know what they are or how to care for them.
Shrimpi whet are those next to the tube anemone?


Active Member
They are not friendly anemones, their sting is actually quite painful and they are not considered reef safe. My LFS has one as well they labeled it "fire anemone" although it looks slightly different than that one they are of the same species. NG, IMO.


Active Member
the 'orange' coral is ......
no photosynthetic "firecracker coral"
Basically like a large sun coral. Pricey at 70 bucks or so- per POLYP.
But WELL worth it IMO. Possibly my favorite.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
They are not friendly anemones, their sting is actually quite painful and they are not considered reef safe.

Actually no anemone is considered reef safe .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dawman
Actually no anemone is considered reef safe .
Good point... maybe I should clarify... they are very very unfriendly and very venomus. Again from what I have been told.


New Member
I have two one purple with a green centre and one white with a red centre your fish will soon learn to stay away its only a very mild sting