question on anemones


New Member
I have a question. I have a condy anemone and what the lfs said was a long tentical, looks like a bta to me. they have moved side by side. I have a 35g tank, and have carbon packs in my filter system. problems? comments?
I have heard that having more than 1 anemone in a small tank can cause a chemical war between the 2. I would take one of them out and place it elsewhere, and for the time being try and get them separated asap they are probably trying to sting each other. hopefully other people will chime in to help out.


New Member
Thank you SWS for your reply. I have heard the same. anyone else? They seem to doing fine not touching just sitting there doing there thing..


The jury is out on this one. You will hear both pros and cons. I personally would never mix species but every time I voice my opinion I get shot down by someone who keeps different species together successfully. If you plan on keeping them I would put considerable space between them or you run the chance of loosing one. They compete for space and you should give it to them. I have read thay can release toxins aimed at destroying each othe chemically. Good that you run activated carbon and keep up with your water changes, other than that just be aware of potential problems and if one or both have a sudden decline in health you may want to revisit allopathy as the possible cause and at that time make a decision. good luck.


New Member
As for the jury, It has been a week and the condy has decided to move to a new rock, the one that the bta called home. Nothing. They just sat next to each other doing anemone things. Now on the good side, the condy has moved to a new rock, guess the bta was not what he was looking for in a tank friend.