Question on backgrounds


Active Member
Ahh, I figured it out.
The lens on the camera is slightly distorting the straight lines.
BTW, Sorry salty. Didn't mean to suggest you were imbalanced.
Anyhow, back to the thread.
Ditto to Joe's suggestion, and salty's use of a roll-on bg. Paint has an amount of permanence that isn't for everyone.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by gmann1139
Ahh, I figured it out.
The lens on the camera is slightly distorting the straight lines.
BTW, Sorry salty. Didn't mean to suggest you were imbalanced.
Anyhow, back to the thread.
Ditto to Joe's suggestion, and salty's use of a roll-on bg. Paint has an amount of permanence that isn't for everyone.
No offense taken whatsoever. My tank is level. My self.....well, we better not go there!


Thanks for the photos. I will use the craft paper to make a decision but I am feeling good about black.
Thanks again and more photos of tanks with backgrounds would be great.


I owuld have went black with yours because of the overflows but the blue is a good looking color to paint the background aswell.