Question on clownfish larvae????


In the future I hope to breed percula clowns, and should be getting a small pair in a couple of weeks, because the 29 gallon tank is not done cycling. My question is, is when the babies have already been put in the separate tank, do they need to be fed anything? If so how old do they need to be fed? Also do they need the same light as what anemone plants need? Or could I use a regular light.

bang guy

Everything with a digestive tract should be fed. Fish larvae need to be fed a lot to survive. They need to be fed all of their lives to survive.
Lighting is not that important except that they need enough to see their food.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Sweetheart
Okay thanks, So could I use brine shirmp babies to feed them???
Baby Brine Shrimp are not much smaller than Clownfish larvae so they are way too large to feed just hatched larvae. Rotifers can make a good first food for Clownfish larvae.