Question on Cycle


new 90 g with 100lbs live sand and wet dry. Up and running for little over 2 weeks. Last week nothing on the ammonia, this week up around .8 I was using a 3" huma amd 3-4" clown to cycle. It was recomended by the LFS before I saw everyones opinion on the coctail shrimp. Anyway the fish look healthy and not under stress. They are eating and doing OK. With ammonia so high should I do something like getting LR to help quickly bring it down or just let the cycle correct itself. Nitrites are now at .2 and PH 8.1.


what you need to do is return the fsih to the lfs until the cycle is over. it may look like they are under no stress but they will die suddenly


Active Member
Since your tank just started to cycle, the ammonia will skyrocket with the fish in that tank. They could rise to 8.0 or higher within a day or 2 since your bacterial colonies have not matured enough yet to break it down to nitrite. Please return the fish ASAP!
You can continue the cycle without the fish since you have higher than 0 readings. After they fall back down to 0, go back your LFS and get some fish. One or 2 at the most at a time, though.


Active Member
Put another vote in to bring the fish back to the lfs. After your levels zero out just do a 20-25% water change then give it a day or so the settle and then you can add your fish safely. It is also strongly reccomended to quarentine your new fish for 3 weeks in a separate tank before adding to your main tank. So it might be a good idea to set up a Q tank now so both tanks can cycle at the same time.


i can't believe they let you cycle your tank with those fish considering their costs,...
really sad on their part


Active Member
Tank the fish back if you can...smack 'em upside the back of the head...
If they don't allow you to return them, and there is no where you can take them for a short some Amquel+ and keep it in the will keep the levels low enough to where the fish may survive, and allow your bio filtration to grow.


Active Member
...smack 'em upside the back of the head...
:D :D :D
My LFS workers would all have sore heads if I could have done this everytime they gave bad advice out...


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by interj
new 90 g with 100lbs live sand and wet dry. Up and running for little over 2 weeks. Last week nothing on the ammonia, this week up around .8 I was using a 3" huma amd 3-4" clown to cycle. It was recomended by the LFS before I saw everyones opinion on the coctail shrimp. Anyway the fish look healthy and not under stress. They are eating and doing OK. With ammonia so high should I do something like getting LR to help quickly bring it down or just let the cycle correct itself. Nitrites are now at .2 and PH 8.1.

You are lucky the fish have lived this long. Try not feeding the fish for a week (or until the nitrItes come down). Ammonia should go to zero in about a day or two. NitrItes will take longer. If you don't stop feeding there is a very high possibility both fish will die.