Question on Hammer coral loosing color. HELP!!!!


I have an orange hammer coral and it seems to be loosing color. I tryed moving the coral lower in the tank but then it wont open. The coral wants to be at the top of my tank. Is there anything I can add to my tank to help. I am running 2-10 K MH and 2-130w actinics. My light is 8 inches off the top of the tank. I cycle from 10am to 7pm. :help: :help: :help:

the reef

Originally Posted by chipmunk
I have an orange hammer coral and it seems to be loosing color. I tryed moving the coral lower in the tank but then it wont open. The coral wants to be at the top of my tank. Is there anything I can add to my tank to help. I am running 2-10 K MH and 2-130w actinics. My light is 8 inches off the top of the tank. I cycle from 10am to 7pm. :help: :help: :help:
cycle your acents at lest to a twelve hour a day see if that helps also adding a lunner light can make a big impact on many corals
have your acents go on then an hour or two latter your mh then have your mh go off an hour or two before your acents go back off


so your saying
Actinics on at 9 am
MH on at 11 Noon
MH off at 6Pm
Actinics off at 8 pm
Luner lights on at 7:45pm
Luner lights off at 9:15am


Just so I have some frame of reference, what size tank, and what size MH?
Also, is there anything else that has happeneed to your tank lately that may have caused thius except for the lighting? Change in water chemistry? New additions?
Also, you say it was orange? I have never seen an orange hammer before (well, lots of tannish color ones, but not so much orange per se), so maybe it was not healthy before (or dyed orange), and is now becomming healthy...what color has it changed to now?


i can vouch for him i have a "orange" hammer coral. its not orange its more light tan with whitesh green tips. but i know if my watter chem is just a little off he wont come out all the way. hes pritty picky.


Yeah I have a tan one with green tips too...just never seen a real orange one.
I believe the tan color represents good health. Mine is less picky to water chemistry, but more picky about light.
If it is turning whiter, then it may be losing/expelling its zoaxanthallae...but that is a very rough guess.
Where is it placed in the tank? What flow does it get? Again, what wattage MH? is your water Ok?

the reef

Originally Posted by chipmunk
so your saying
Actinics on at 9 am
MH on at 11 Noon
MH off at 6Pm
Actinics off at 8 pm
Luner lights on at 7:45pm
Luner lights off at 9:15am
the luner lights should over lap a little more than that sense when you go outside you notice that the moon is out after noon so cycle the luner lights to a 12 hour also this will optimize better results